Help Documentation

Expuls - Royalty Free Photos And Videos For WordPress

The first thing you need to do when you want to install a new WordPress plugin is to login to your site admin page. Once there, go to Plugins -> Add New. Click "Upload Plugin" button and upload the zip file from your local hard drive.

The first thing you should do is getting a free API key from Pexels.

How do I get an API key?

After getting the API key, copy&paste it to the following field;

Which users can use Expuls?

All users who have upload_files capability, can access to your media library and use Expuls. As default, subscribers and contributors can not upload files. For more information about WordPress roles & capabilities, click here...

You can use User Role Editor plugin to change the default user capabilities.

Internal Server Error

If you are trying to import a high resolution photo (original size) or a large video file (high resolution, long videos), you may get an error. Please check your maximum upload file size;

You can not upload any file larger than this size to WordPress.

How to Increase the Max. File Upload Size?